January 22, 2020Diario de viaje a Cuba – Segunda semana0 Comments34 Minutes January 3, 2020Diario de viaje a Cuba – Primera semana0 Comments43 Minutes June 5, 2019The long hangover: returning from an around the world adventure0 Comments8 Minutes February 22, 2019Singapore travel guide: budget and tips for 20191 Comment14 Minutes February 12, 2019The other top 10 countries to visit in 20190 Comments20 Minutes January 31, 2019The statue of Juan Maspalomas and the invisible heroes0 Comments15 Minutes January 21, 2019A hard lesson from Peru: you only live once1 Comment12 Minutes January 7, 2019Jerusalem, the city where everything seems possible0 Comments10 Minutes December 4, 2018The traveler’s footprint: environmental costs of tourism1 Comment6 Minutes November 14, 2018Alive in the desert: when nothing is everything0 Comments6 Minutes October 28, 2018One line, one bullet: a story of Medellín0 Comments13 Minutes October 15, 2018Catalonia: just nationalism or a freedom movement?0 Comments12 Minutes September 26, 2018Latin America, the rich land of poor people1 Comment7 Minutes September 14, 2018Life behind the railway, beauty within the slum0 Comments9 Minutes September 3, 2018A map of flavours (I) – Southeast Asia0 Comments8 Minutes August 19, 2018Hawaii, from Lost haven to concrete America0 Comments7 Minutes Follow us on Instagram